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The nature of the veil and its provisions by looking at Islamic penal code and Hanafi jurisprudence

638-640Full Text

Mahmood Sanjarani and Nader Mokhtari Afrakati*

The purpose of this study is the nature of veil and its provision by looking at the Islamic penal code and Hanafi jurisprudence. Research has been conducted analytical and library, the main research hypothesis is that how is the nature of veil from the perspective of Imamate and Hanafi jurisprudence? The research hypothesis is that the nature of the veil in Imamate jurisprudence and its principles has been paid more attention. The result showed that all religions paid special attention to veil issue that this is more significant in Imamate jurisprudence. Thus it is recommended that all officers and administrative system help to promote the veil of Islamic community with appropriate policies and the adoption of implementing rules and regulation.

The role of electronic human resource management on the structure engineering and the organizational performance improvement (case study of Masjid soleiman municipality)

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Reza Najafian Shalal and Mohammad Ghasemi*

The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship between electronically human resource management on the structural engineering and organization performance improvement (case study of Masjed soleiman municipality). The method of research is descriptive and correlative kind. The instrument of data collection has three questionnaires. Data is analyzed at two descriptive (tables of frequency distribution, frequency percent and charting) and inferential (person correlation coefficient) level using software Eviews7 and spas 21. The research findings indicate: there is direct and significant relationship between two variables managing the electronically human resource and structural engineering. There is a significant and direct relationship between electronically human resource management and the organizational performance improvement there is significant and direct relationship between two variables: structural engineering and organizational performance improvement, also mental health was significant and different among male and female teachers.

The Study of Cash Conversion Cycle effects on Return On Asset (ROA)

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Kaveh ghaderi

The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of Cash Conversion Cycle on Return On Asset . In this regard, This study has used Cash conversion cycle index and other control variables such as Financial leverage And GDP index for the accepted companies in Tehran Stock Exchange during 2009-2009. Based on the results of this study, the effect of cash conversion period index on total assets for total companies, will be accepted And it can be said ,that cash conversion period has a negative effect on the ROA. But by separation of firms in different industries, the effect is different. Also, the control variables, GDP index have a significant effect on the ROA.

Comparative study if the politics of Iran and Afghanistan in the fight against smuggling of Weapons and ammunition

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Elyas shahnavazi and Mahmoud Boulaq*

The title of the recent article is a comparative study of the politics of Iran and Afghanistan in the fight against trafficking of weapons and ammunition. The type of research is descriptive analytical and by library tool, the problem is that what strategies have the legislators of Iran and Afghanistan thought to confront the consequences of trafficking of arms and ammunition? The research hypothesis is that the legislators of two mentioned countries have enacted laws and regulations as n other countries to deal with the harmful effects of trafficking in this area. In this research, it has been tried to address the conceptualization of this crime in penal politics of Iran and Afghanistan and after that the constituents of this crime and responses of penal politics and jurisdiction of courts in Iran and Afghanistan are analyzed. The results show that the legislators of two mentioned countries enact rules and regulations to deal with the harmful effects of smuggling of weapons and ammunition of other countries one of the reason of frustrating the performed measures against trafficking of arms and ammunition in Iran and Afghanistan is lack of harmony of plans and policy- makings in national, international and regional area. Also penal politics of two countries was not coordinated and aligned with each other.

Comparison between CRP and SCHLUMBERGER arrays

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Sajjad Salehi*, Jafar Fattahy and Aliasghar Fattahy

In this research work, Plug in Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) is studied how to participate in the energy market, reactive power market and coupled energy and reactive power market. The PHEV capability curve is identified which have been recently presented in the related work in the area. The concept Lost Opportunity Cost (LOC) is explained based on the capability of PHEV and its application is fully taken into consideration. Then PHEV is included in energy, reactive and coupled market. This require to determine objective functions in each market. Finally a 17-node microgrid is taken as case study in which some of PHEVs are placed to take part in these markets.

Hummel array and its comparison with schlumberger array in the south GORGAN – IRAN

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Jafar Fattahy* Sajjad Salehi and Aliasghar Fattahy

Hummel array measurements can be used to obtain the maximum information about distribution of resistivities in the earth and inhomogeneous that indicated from lateral . this array be used more in areas that because existence of difficults can't be used from schlumberger array . the resistivity data from such measurements can be interpreted as normal sounding schlumberger curves. In this paper are compared geometric array factor , resistivity , depth of investigation and limiting depth of detection in hummel and schlumberger arrays. The examples chosen from field tests in south GORGAN area show that with good rms (root means square) be interpreted resistivity data from hummel array with normal sounding schlumberger curves.

Investigating the effect of grafted watermelon on tolerance to drought and salinity

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Rasool Etemadi Poor

In this experiment was carried out in Bandar Abbas the effect of grafting watermelon (Charleston Gray) to pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo) and its effect on tolerance to drought and salinity has been studied and the proximity grafting method was used to grafting and water with a conductivity of 6.5 and 10 mS with irrigation interval of 2 days-4 days-8 days-10 days was considered for salinity and drought treatment and attributes such as the number of leaves, wet and dry weight and depth of rooting were investigated. LSD test was used for mean comparison, the results showed that grafted plants are more drought tolerant as compared to control and also there was significant results on attributes such as the number of leaves and root length but about wet and dry weight the results were not significant. The effect of salinity (6.5 mgS) showed that on the number of leaves and wet weight there was significant difference between grafted plants and non-grafted plants but there was no significant difference on salinity 10.5 mS, also there was no significant difference between grafted plants and control on root length and dry weight on salinity 6.5 mS, but there was significant difference on salinity 10.5 mS.

Rainfall trends and their impacts on soil erosion in North watersheds of Iran

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Mojtaba Mohammadi

This study focuses on rainfall changes and their impacts on soil erosion in the northeastern watersheds of Iran. For this purpose, long-term recorded precipitations data used for the period 1971 – 2008, and then calculated long-term rainfall erosivity (R factor) of the Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) used Modified Fourier Index (MFI) for this period. Non parametric test of Mann – Kendall used to detect any likely trends in precipitation and R factor. Result of trend analysis showed that in all stations, annual and autumn time series of Rainfall and R factor have significant increasing trend at 95 and 99 percent confidence level. Increasing in autumn rainfall will certainly affect soil erosion, since in autumn land surface cover against is limited. Data analysis also indicated that rainfall pattern have changed from snow to precipitation, which these changes affected soil erosion because soil is without vegetation and top soils don’t have any protect at these seasons. As a concluding remarket, soil erosion depended on a complex interaction of climate, soil properties, topography, and cover management. Therefore, plans focus Integrated Resource Management (IRM) in large-scale hydrological units /watersheds /basins are necessary to alleviate climate change impacts.

Considering effects of organization silence on organization personnel’s emotional commitment: A case study on Ardabil Tamin Ejtemaee hospital

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Sevda tahermoghanloo and Seyed Aliakbar Ahmadi*

The present study aimed at considering the effects of organization on silence on Ardabil Tamin Ejtemaee hospital personnel’s emotional commitment. The methodology used in the study was measurement, which data accumulation was performed by questionnaire. 250 questionnaire were distributed among the personnel of mentioned hospital, randomly the result of analysis indicated that shared aspect of four variables (obediently silence, defensive silence, friendly silence, conservatively silence, emotional commitment) was more 60 percent than variance of emotional commitment, whole special amount of variable friendly silence was alonly 72.95 percent of variance. Also, friendly silence variable (890) was effective on personnel’s emotional commitment than other variables.

Study of Relationship between customer involvement and satisfaction, trust and commitment of customer (Case study: Electronic banking services of Ansar Bank)

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Masoud saleh and Amir Akhavanfar*

The purpose of this study is to survey contributing of customer in satisfaction, trust and commitment to achieve this level of customer service survey used simple random sampling method and survey questionnaire Frome customers of Electronic Banking of Ansar bank to collect data From 385. Results analysed statistically using LISREL 9.2 Software. Results of analysis showed that there is a significant Relationship between of customers and satisfaction, trust and commitment of them. Also there is significant relationship between cooperation (permanent partnership) and satisfaction and also between partnership in purchase (partnership) and satisfaction of customer. Also there is a significant relationship between involvement and trust. Also there is a significant Relationship between participation in purchase and commitment. Also Results showed a significant relationship between satisfaction with trust, satisfaction with commitment and trust with involvement commitment.

The effects and sustainability of self-talk and focus of attention with an 8-week training program on the balance in educable mentallyretarded female students (7-15 years old)

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Azam Rai, Heydar Sadeghi* and Jaleh Bagherli

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects and sustainability of self-talk and focus of attention with an 8-week training program on the balance in educable mentally-retarded female students (7-15 years old). Design: The statistical population of this study was female educable mentally-retarded students (7-15 years old) that 96 students were selected by available sampling. The subjects were randomly divided into 8 groups (N=12). The instrument for collecting in data is included a parental consent form, a demographic questionnaire, the static balance Sharpend Romberg test, and the Timed Get-upand-Go (TGUG) test. The balance tests were performed in the pre-test. Then, the post-test was performed after 8 week training of self-talk and focus of attention with the balance training. The subjects participated in the retention test after two weeks without practice. The analysis of data was done by the one and twoway ANCOVA and Bonferroni post hoc test (p<0.05). Results: The results of this study showed that motivational and instructional self-talk and internal and external focus of attention had a significant effect on the balance in the educable mentally-retarded students (7-15 years old). Also, internal and external focus of attention improved the subjects’ performance more than motivational and instructional self-talk in the dynamic balance but those did not lead to the sustainability of improvement of dynamic and static balance. It is recommended that these activities are considered in the educable mentally-retarded students’ daily agenda.

Effects of dual inoculation of Mycorrhizal Arbuscular Fungi and Rhizobium Bacteria on Yield and Potassium Content of Corn Grains and Green Bean Under Intercropping

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Elham Faryabi*, Vahid Abdossi , Mohammad Sibi and Zahra Marzban

In order to study the effect of dual inoculation of Mycorrhizal Arbuscular fungi and Rhizobium Bacteria on the Yield and Potassium content of grains of corn and Green Bean under intercropping, experiment was carried out in the research field of Faculty of Agriculture, of Azna PNU in the growing season of 2013 using in factorial to randomized complete block design and with three replication. The results showed that cropping systems on yield and potassium content of grains of Green Bean were significant at 1% level as well as potassium content of grains of were significant at 5% level. that inoculation by bacteria had a significant effect on yield of bean, yield of corn, number of grains per pod plant and number total of grains per ear (P<0.01). There is significant difference between the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus treatment effects on number total of grains per ear and harvest index bean (p<0.01) and yield of corn and number of grains per pod plant (p<0.05). Significantly greater yield of seed bean (2592.3 kg.h) end Potassium content of grains of corn (10.55 mg/gr d.wt) were obtained from inoculation with Bacteria in mono cropping. Also the maximum Potassium content of grains of bean (15.75 mg/gr d.wt) was obtained from intercropping system with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. The separate inoculation of seeds with fungi and bacteria increased 25 and 11 percent yield of corn rate in terms of the non-use of fungus and bacteria, respectively.

A Comparative Study of Iran and America's Role in Military Security of Persian Gulf

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Hossein nasiri, Seyed Abbas Foroughi Nematollahi* and Majid Golparvar

Iran and America are considered as two very effective countries in respect of international and safety politics of Persian Gulf Region, meanwhile army safety is greatly regarded. Not only these two countries have played a very important role of this subject, but also still play. After Soviet collapse, the United States has persuaded a single-polar world and ruling it unlimitedly. Before occurrence of Islamic revolution of Iran as well after victory of Islamic Revolution within the era, which Iran confronting the Imposed War of Iraq, America has persuaded and still persuades a high place in this region to achieve desired objectives. After attack of Iraq to Kuwait, America obtained this opportunity to build an army station using strategic plan to their party in this part of the world. After the Second Persian Gulf War, America has commenced to conduct his plans to achieve related general objectives supporting long-term physical and army presence and carrying out political and new safety acquisitions for countries placing Persian Gulf Field, as well separated confrontation to Iran and Iraq in association to controlling them. While the available countries of the region are greatly affected regarding political, safety, army and economic aspects. Iran plays a very important role on subject of army safety of Persian Guelf. Iran has always tried to to keep safety and peace of Persian Gulf Region, and the deep sensitive position Iran appreciating of its very strategic importance facing fear of enemies’ attack can be observed of considering the army safety of Persian Guelf. The objective of this study is evaluating the role of Iran in respect of army safety of Persian Guelf region and obtaining benefit results of comparing the role of two countries in army safety of the region, as well representing solutions according to the framework of Islamic Republic of Iran in line to conducing army safety regarding the countries placing in the border of Persian Guelf,, which is considered as a very important, effective and sensitive region of the world to provide a background for executive authorities (instrumental elites) of the country to decide better using the present study.

Evaluation of health promotion activities in nurses

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Kefayat Nejat and Heidar Ali Abedi*

Introduction: One of the most important measures of health promoting behaviors as determinants of health are the underlying cause of many diseases ,not having known and Health promotion and disease prevention are related directly to these behaviors . Six important part of promoting healthy lifestyles, including relationships between individual responsibility for health ,spiritual development, stress management, nutrition and physical activity .Given the importance of learned behaviors on quality of life, this study Promotion of life health behaviors style in nezam mafi hospital nurses , Shoosh Daniel in 2014. Methods and Materials: This cross-sectional studyon97nurses working in Nezam mafi hospital in the city of Shusha, who had been selected as the census was conducted. Data collection was collected withHPLP2standardized questionnaire that validated and reliabilited questionaire (90% using Cron bach's alpha) was examined and approved by university professors,Spss18was used to analyze the data. Results: The mean scores of health-promoting behaviorswas124/5witha standard deviation of 22/3. All six components of health promoting behaviors and health promoting behaviors were positively correlated. The greatest component of inter personal relationships2/85±0/62 and the lowest mean corresponds to the components of physical activity with 1/97±0/51, respectively .In addition , health promotion behaviors with any of the demographic variables including age, sex, etc. there was no significant association. Conclusions: The degree of compliance with health-promoting behaviors in higher levels of samples were sometimes more frequently . Seems to make a difference in the health promoting behaviors of nurses, have direct impact to patients and the public health, It also requires proper planning at the macro level of health.

The impact of a 12-week walking program on the bone mass density, serum estrogen, and body composition of overweight girl students

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Shekoofeh Sokhanvar Dastjerdi, Mandana Gholami* and Masood mabani

Osteoporosis and overweight are two important hygienic disorders which influence the health and the body composition of a person, and they are becoming more and more widespread in modern societies. The present paper studies the impact of hiking on a number of selected factors in a group of female students. Subjects: 40 overweight female high school students who participated in this research voluntarily. Subjects were randomly placed in two groups of 20 (BMI control group: 28.4 ±2.6 Kg/m2 and BMI experimental group: 29.2 ±1.8 Kg/m2). Before and after 12 weeks of hiking, the estrogen serum, bone mass density and body composition of all subjects were measured. A hiking program was defined for the experimental group which consisted of three 30-minute hiking sessions per week, with 50% to 75% of heart rate, and for a total of three months period. Statistical methods: the gathered data were analyzed through independent t-test at the significance level of p ≤ 0.05. The results: the findings showed that there was no significant change in bone mass density at the thighs and the spine in experimental and control groups (p ≥ 0.05), however, the body composition and serum estrogen level were significantly different between the two groups (p = 0.001 and p = 0.035 respectively). Conclusion: it can be concluded that long-term hiking with above specifications effects estrogen and body composition, however, any effects on bone mass density possibly requires more time or more severity in the experiment.

An experimental study of PV/T Combi with water and air heating system

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M.Y. Othman, Mussalim A.S. Tabook*, K. Sopian, M.H. Roslan and Z. Ibarahim

A hybrid photovoltaic thermal (PV/T) solar collector system is well-known on its capability to generate electrical and thermal energy, simultaneously. In spite of having water and air type of heat removal system separately, both can be combined together to form as a water and air heating system as one unit. This paper present the combination of both scheme integrated into the conventional PV/T system. An experimental expression of temperature of solar cell, water, air and overall thermal efficiency of this system has been determined. A major components involved in fabricating the system include two transparent photovoltaic module connected in parallel, double pass flat plat collector, copper water tube and storage tank. Indoor testing of the collector indicated that at radiation level of 800 W/m2, the outlet temperature is 24.4oC when air and water flow rate is set to 0.05 kg/s and 0.02 kg/s, respectively. The electrical efficiency of the collector is 17% with average output electrical power of 145 W. The overall thermal efficiency of the PV/T Combi system is 70%, when the experiment was carried for a period of 120 minutes. The upgrading system could offer better performance of PV/T technology as well as to enhance higher efficiencies.

The study relation of organization commitment and individual characteristic of the personnel of Ardabil Health organization

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Nasser rezayi and Samad Jabbari Asl*

The present study aimed at considering the relation of organization commitment and individual characteristic of the personnel of Ardabil Health organization. It is a correlation descriptive study, sample population of the study include total personnel of Ardabil health organization in 2014. 60presons were selected as samples through random selection. Data accumulation was done by using an organization commitment questionnaire (OCQ) and a researcher- made questionnaire on individual characteristics, then collected data were analyzed by Pearson correlation coefficient and software spss. Obtained results show that there is a meaningful relationship among organization commitment, gender, education and salary level (p<0.05). Also the results indicated that. There is a meaningful relationship among organization interest, gender, employment condition, education and salary level and among trend to stay, employment condition. Marriage condition and education, and among membership honor, gender and education (p<0.05). Along with obtained results, individual characteristic was considered as one of factors influencing on personnel’s organization.

Evaluating the chiefs And Secretaries' performance of Kerman sport councils based on 360 Degree Feedback Model

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Nasrin Afshari Pour* and Tahmoures Nouraei

The main purpose of the present research is to study the performance evaluation of Kerman sport council chiefs and secretaries based on 360 ̊ (360 degree) Feedback Model. The present research is of practical kind and its research method is of scanning type. The statistical universe of this research includes all chiefs and secretaries of Kerman sport councils and their customers. By census, 38 chiefs, 38 secretaries and 113 customers were selected as a sample. The measurement tool in this research was a 64-item standard inventory designed by Soltaniu (2009). The reliability of this inventory obtained by alpha Cronbach method was 0.96. To analysis data, considering the scales of measurement, objectives and questions of the research several descriptive statistic method such as frequency, frequency percentage and bar graphs were used. To test the research hypotheses, the inferential statistics of one way variance analysis with Tukey follow up test was used. These results in addition to showing the secretaries and chiefs' performance of the sport councils based on 8 managerial skills (communication skills, decision – making, encouragement, innovation and change, working communication, professional leader ship, using their own capabilities and the others', developing team activities) demonstrate a significant difference in the chiefs and secretaries' by evaluation groups (p≤o.o5). According to the results obtained, one may say that the managers' perception about their managerial competencies level is not correct. To correct this perceptual error and change it into a more actual and correct perception, it should be provided the managers with permanent and continuous feedbacks to improve this skill.

Review and explaining the role of educational structures in behavioral deviation of students

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Saber Hamzehei Javaran* and Seyyed Mehdi Ahmadi Mousavi

In this study, using the ideas of critical theorists in the field of education called Durkheim structures were detected In different areas, lead to the psychosocial and social damages and Deviations. These structures and Deviations include the rise in childhood, postpone of social maturity, Lack of Responsibility , Sexual relations outside the rules because of classification in specific age groups, Escaping from school and the reluctance of the science due to forced and dictated curriculum and worth differences ,sharing the experiences of juvenile delinquency due to reduced informal monitoring and control of community And the long-term compulsory in schools ,Facilitating the process of labeling and child mental frustration of dead-based evaluation system of certification.

The relationship between the social responsibility of club with fans' appreciation and loyalty of the football premier league teams

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Mohammad Pour Hassan Shai* and Seyed Ahmad Nejad Sajadi

The aim of the present research is to study the relationship between social responsibility of club with fans' appreciation and loyalty of the football premier league teams. The present research is of correlation type and has been performed as a field study. Its statistical universe included all fans of premier league teams in 2013- 2014. The statistical sample was selected among the fans attended sport stadia. Considering on average 9000 fans attended each play , the sample size , according to Morgan Table, was estimated 380 persons (each team : 190) and available sampling method was used . To collect data, the social responsibility standard questionnaire (Stewart, 2003) with reliability coefficient (0/88) was used. In Iran, It was validated by Bakhshandeh (2012) and its content validity and construct had been approved by him . And the questionnaires of fans' loyalty (Lat, 2010) with reliability 0/85 and the appreciation of team (Lat, 2010) with reliability 0/87 were used .To analyze data , addition to descriptive statistical indexes , the statistical methods of Spearman correlation coefficient , and Kolmogorov- Smirnov were used . The results showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the aspects of club social responsibility and loyalty (r=0/43, p=0/001). Also there was a significant and positive relationship between the aspects of social responsibility and fans' appreciation of team (r=0/28, p=0/001).